
Providing content as an RSS newsfeed



With the newsfeed module, you can easily make your website content available as an RSS feed to keep your website visitors up-to-date and facilitate crawling. Text information and links are shown based on global standards (XML/RSS/RDF). The machine-readable format makes it easy for the computers to process your content and forms the technical basis for potential content syndication.

Your benefit

Inform your readers automatically of any changes to your site without any additional effort. This is particularly helpful for blogs or time-sensitive information. Use RSS as the technical basis for content syndication (licensing of your website content).

By the way, it also works the other way round! The XML module lets you integrate third-party (RSS) content into your site without having to write any code.

Details "RSS Module: Provide content as Newsfeed"

Preparing newsfeeds

The basic contentXXL system already allows you to deliver any content as an RSS newsfeeds.

Combined with multiple and scheduled publication of contents in different subject areas, you can thus set up effective information channels with no extra effort.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) can also serve as a technical basis for content syndication.


How it works

  • prepare announcements and news items in a standardized, media-neutral, and machine-readable XML format
  • display available feeds in the browser
  • subscription and notification options for new or changed content
  • can be used online and off
  • complete user control
  • no spam or virus risks
  • full integration with Microsoft Outlook via additional programs (some of which are freeware)



Advantages for website owners:
  • targeted provision of information
  • additional contact with users
  • easy-to-use, no need to manage recipients or sending of content
  • newsfeeds can be cached to improve performance
  • low system load and hardware requirements


Advantages for recipients:
  • newsreaders are mostly free
  • personalized newspaper putting together sources according to individual interests.
  • no need to share personal data such as email addresses
  • secure protection against spam: the news source can be easily, safely and completely removed
  • no exposure to viruses as with email
  • several sources can be combined, displayed and read in a single interface such as Microsoft Outlook
  • the information sources are automatically checked periodically for new or changed content and the user is notified
  • significant time savings due to no longer needing to check websites for new content manually
  • the newsfeeds can be read both online and off
  • the address of the new website content is embedded so that it can be accessed with a single click
  • newsfeeds are mostly free and there are a lot of them


Automated processing

Unlike websites retrievable in a browser, the information in an RSS file is reduced to the content and logically tagged. This makes the information interpretable not only by human users, but also machines and can be easily integrated into other websites (if the owner consents).


Background: RSS technology

RSS is an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication".

RSS is a XML standard for applications to provide messages or text information to other computers or websites (content syndication). The format goes back to the development of the Netscape browser in the late 90s (RSS 0.9) and has been improved several times since.

CURRY Innovations GmbH is the manufacturer of the contentXXL CMS for Microsoft Server. contentXXL CMS has been used by leading companies around the world and in all sectors to build and maintain dynamic web sites and intranet/extranet portals.

The ASP.NET-based CMS is available in three different editions (Basic, Professional and Enterprise). Although the features are oriented to the requirements of international companies and conglomerates requiring content in multiple languages, the system is also ideally suited for small and medium-sized businesses thanks to its attractive pricing model.

Customers can either lease or purchase the system and install it directly on their own servers.

Hofmannstraße 5
81379 Munich
Munich, Germany

 +49 (89) 54844-480
 +49 (89) 54844-481