Content Quality

The content relationship possibilities offered by our CMS let you offer your visitors extra information at nay time.
Wherever and however you want: related products, related products, or additional information such as specific contact persons. It's up to you! You provide content where you need and expect your users.

Efficient data maintenance

A sample content relationship: one person as contact for hundreds of products. Thanks to relationships, the contact is displayed appropriately on hundreds of product pages, but only needs to be maintained from a single data entry point. Changes are applied automatically across all appearances of that piece of content.

Find information better

Whether in the CMS or on the website: complementary content (such as product pages and matching blog posts) are often scattered across multiple locations.
Content relationships enable related content to be identified as such in the CMS, linking them for display to website users.

CURRY Innovations GmbH is the manufacturer of the contentXXL CMS for Microsoft Server. contentXXL CMS has been used by leading companies around the world and in all sectors to build and maintain dynamic web sites and intranet/extranet portals.

The ASP.NET-based CMS is available in three different editions (Basic, Professional and Enterprise). Although the features are oriented to the requirements of international companies and conglomerates requiring content in multiple languages, the system is also ideally suited for small and medium-sized businesses thanks to its attractive pricing model.

Customers can either lease or purchase the system and install it directly on their own servers.

Hofmannstraße 5
81379 Munich
Munich, Germany

 +49 (89) 54844-480
 +49 (89) 54844-481