
Content Relationship Management



contentXXL forms individual facts on the basis of complete information objects and the relationships which exist between them. The creation of the content relationship between individual objects is a fixed part of the editorial process, contents are not just administered, but organised, across different user groups and portals. The content relationship of the objects results in additional navigational levels.

Your benefit

Information available but isolated in different places is brought together
The allocation of information takes place with minimum fuss in just a few minutes
Visitors find the information they want more quickly and in context
A consistent user interface results which operates in the same way as the visitors think
Information can be displayed in a personalised way, e.g. via access
The dense network of links improves placement in many search engines
No additional manual links are necessary, linking is automatically consistent and is generated by the context
If categories are used the linking is self-managing Central management of widely scattered information in one place, e.g. updating contacts

Details "Content Relationship Management: Information becomes Knowlege"

Information becomes knowledge

A lack of relationships between individual pieces of information costs money. If pieces of information are scattered over different pages or even over different portals, they are difficult to find, are often double managed and frequently not up to date. In this way, potential benefits cannot be reaped, knowledge is not passed on and decisions cannot be taken.

News, contacts, links and documents contain real factual information, e.g. about products or services. These facts have a real relationship: a contact is the author of a document, a contact person for a product, a piece of news relates to a service, further services are in a natural relationship with a product. A diverse network of links exists between the individual pieces of information.

Classic Content Management Systems are restricted to the administration of text fragments, e.g. a link list, and the version management, release and publication of this. However, these fragments in themselves do not make any sense. contentXXL forms individual facts on the basis of complete information objects and the relationships which exist between them. The creation of the content relationship between individual objects is a fixed part of the editorial process, contents are not just administered, but organized, across different user groups and portals. The content relationship of the objects results in additional navigational levels.

The visitor is led safely from information A to information B, like with a GPS system.


What can you do with it?

  • commentary function (relationship between forum and news)
  • evaluation function (relationship between voting and news)
  • related articles (relationship between pieces of news)
  • relevant contacts
  • allocated documents
  • further downloads
  • further events dates
  • similar products
  • allocated references
  • comparable applications
  • classification in information or product groups
  • task oriented navigation
  • navigation according to lifestyle groups
  • telephone directory
  • directory of contact partners or branches
  • product index according to categories or alphabetical
  • publication of identical content in different sections
  • directory of events
  • visualisation of the relationships as a topic map


What can it do?

  • Relationships are established between individual objects such as news, contacts or products
  • The relationship is established on a content level (e.g. the contact is the contact person for a product), not between unstructured texts and pictures or websites
  • The relationship exists multilingually on the object level, regardless of the context in which the object is published
  • The relationship can be created manually, a search function provides support
  • The order of the manually connected objects can be organised via drag & drop
  • The relationship can be generated automatically due to the common categories assigned to the objects. In this case no editorial work is necessaryfor the allocation of categories to the objects: the list of related objects updates itself automatically
  • Categories can be administered in tree structures and allocated to all content objects.
  • Categories can be localised
  • Due to the allocation of categories alphabetical lists of keywords can be displayed
  • Die Struktur der Kategoriebäume kann als alternative mehrstufige Navigation bereitgestellt werden
  • Categories can be used as search criteria
  • Single pieces of information can appear multiply on different pages, but are only in the system once
  • The display can be grouped according to type (e.g. applications and references)
  • Non-localised content can be displayed in a standard language (e.g. English) and be specially marked, or else be omitted altogether
  • The display takes into account user access to the corresponding object
  • The display takes into account publication schedules and release of linked objects
  • The possibility of multiple publication also extends to the linked objects
  • If a content object is moved into another subject area the links remain in place
  • The links lists can be grouped according to the point of view of the content
  • The place where the allocated content is displayed can be freely determined in the page template, e.g. under an article and / or to the right of it
  • There are no restrictions on design, which can be carried out flexibly and comprehensively via templates and can be altered in the WYSIWYG
  • template editor
  • Export of the relationships as a topic map (XTM according to ISO 13250)

CURRY Innovations GmbH is the manufacturer of the contentXXL CMS for Microsoft Server. contentXXL CMS has been used by leading companies around the world and in all sectors to build and maintain dynamic web sites and intranet/extranet portals.

The ASP.NET-based CMS is available in three different editions (Basic, Professional and Enterprise). Although the features are oriented to the requirements of international companies and conglomerates requiring content in multiple languages, the system is also ideally suited for small and medium-sized businesses thanks to its attractive pricing model.

Customers can either lease or purchase the system and install it directly on their own servers.

Hofmannstraße 5
81379 Munich
Munich, Germany

 +49 (89) 54844-480
 +49 (89) 54844-481